Open Data LMU - Physics
This server provides direct access to huge research data sets produced by projects at the Faculty of Physics.
- Data for: Antisolvent controls the shape and size of anisotropic lead halide perovskite nanocrystals
- HAMSTER: Hyperspectral Albedo Maps dataset with high Spatial and TEmporal Resolution
- MODIS Black-Sky Albedo Climatology (2013-2022)
- Data for "Diagnostics for Imbalance on the Convective Scale"
- PALM-LES / EUREC4A shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data
- Output data of idealised tropical channel simulations of an aqua planet at 5km and 13km resolution with ICON for different convection conducts
- Data for: Sequence self-selection by cyclic phase separation
- Data for "Can artificial intelligence-based weather prediction models simulate the butterfly effect?"
- Data for: Real-frequency quantum field theory applied to the single-impurity Anderson model
- Data from: On multistability and constitutive relations of cell motion on Fibronectin lanes
- ICON baroclinic life cycle simulations description and dataset for studying the cloud-radiative impact on the dynamics of an idealized cyclone
- ICON-D2 microphysically perturbed ensemble simulations including initial and boundary condition uncertainty
- UCLA-LES shallow cumulus dataset with 3D cloud output data
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